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University of Brighton logo Accessibility Statement


What is EndNote?

      EndNote is a reference management package which can help you collect, organise and format   references.

   You EndNote logocan use it to:

  • Create a library of references imported directly from the library catalogue and other databases               
  • Create instant bibliographies
  • Add citations to your word-processed document and create a bibliography in the referencing style you require (Harvard, Chicago, MHRA, APA, Vancouver etc.)

How do I access EndNote?

There are two versions of EndNote available:   EndNote Desktop, and a smaller online version of the package called EndNote Online. 

The current version of EndNote Desktop, EndNote 21,  is installed on all student and staff computers on campus and is accessible from the Programs menu. Staff need to contact the Service Desk  if the program is not already installed on their PC.

EndNote Online is free and can be accessed on any computer or laptop, both on and off campus. See the instructions below for registering for EndNote Online

Which one do I use?

The Desktop version of EndNote is recommended for staff or researchers or those who want to manage large libraries. The Online version is recommended for undergraduates and masters student who may be workingon smaller projects.

Registering for EndNote Online

EndNote Online accounts are freely available to everyone but as a member of the University of Brighton you are entitled to an enhanced account which allows you access to more storage space and referencing styles.

In order to access the enhanced UoB account you must register in either of the following ways:

On campus

  • Sign up for an account. The email address does not have to be a university one. If you would like to continue using your account after you leave the university register with a personal account. Alternatively you can sign up via Facebook or LinkedIn

Off campus

  • Click on the Register link at the top of the page and complete the registration form. (If you have already registered for Web Of Knowledge then you can sign in using the same login to access Endnote online).
  • You'll need to supply an email address (this doesn't have to be your university email) and password. The password needs to be a combination of letters, numbers and a symbol.
  • Once registered click on the Products menu  at the top of the page and select EndNote
  • Any time after registering you can access Endnote online from any computer by going direct to the EndNote website. at