Databases are specialist tools which you can use to find resources such as journal articles. The selection below are the databases we recommend for all Electronic and Mechanical Engineering students, but the library has many more. For help with searching these resources contact your Aldrich Library subject support team using the link on this page.
Full-text access to current, draft and historic British standards.
The FileOpen plug-in is required for viewing and printing downloaded documents. If the plug-in is not installed on your device, you can download it for free from the FileOpen Client Installers page. If you are using a university device and are not able to download the plug-in then please contact the Service Desk.
Access to subscribed journals published by Sage.
Multi-disciplinary abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
Access to: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Science and Social Science & Humanities), Emerging Sources Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index and BIOSIS Citation Index Backfile (1969-2008).
The easiest way to search for books held in the library is to use the library catalogue. You can search by author, title or keyword. You can also use the library catalogue to place reservations on books. For more information about finding and using ebooks please see our Help with using ebooks page.