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Fashion & Textiles


Onesearch: Quick search for books and journals

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Books for fashion research

Books and ebooks

The easiest way to search for books held in the library is to use the library catalogue. You can search by author, title or keyword. You can also use the library catalogue to place reservations on books.

For more information about finding and using ebooks please see our Help with using ebooks page.

Help with using ebooks


The referencing style used by the School of Art & Media is either MLA (Modern Language Association) or the Harvard style, depending on your course. Please check this with your academic tutors to ensure you're referencing correctly. If you want online help, just click on the Cite Them Right link below. If you would like to use an online tool to help you build an online reference list we recommend using either EndNote or ZoteroBib software.

hand writing on a notepad


Referencing resources from Library Services

person writing with a mug beside them

Cite Them Right

A subscription resource that covers the basics of referencing and a wide range of referencing styles.

hands typing on a laptop


Help and support for the Endnote reference manager software.

BoB (Box of Broadcasts)

search over 2 million programmes from 75 channels

Box of Broadcasts

Watch and record freeview TV and radio. Create clips or make your own playlist using the huge archive of tv and radio shows dating back to the 1970s. Bob also includes a collection of curated playlists made by UK university lecturers on themes such as feminist film philosophy and law race and decolonisation.

Go to Box of Broadcasts (bob)

New books


We have a range of current & historical periodicals (magazines) to support your studies in fashion & textiles. Not all of them are online so come & browse the collection on the first floor of the library.

Current periodical issues are on the ground floor.

Fashion & Textiles Print Periodicals