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Information about how to submit your work

My Marks


Image Description


Please note we are transitioning My Studies to a new interface called 'Ultra'. The instructions on this page are only relevant to the few courses that are still using the 'Original' interface for their modules.

Image Description

If your module looks as the first image above - these resources are correct for your course. Please continue to use the resources on this page



sxcreenshot of an ultra module

If your module looks like the second image above - Your course is using the new Ultra interface, and you need to use a different esubmission guide, available here

There are two stages to marks being delivered through My Studies:

1. Provisional Assessment Marks - My Marks

If your course is delivering provisional marks and/or feedback to students using My Studies, they will be available via My Marks covered in the instructions further down this page. These marks are subject to change through moderation or exam boards. These marks may form part of a module grade.

If your school is not using My Studies to deliver marks and feedback you will be informed of the process these are delivered.

The image below shows the My Marks link in an 'Assessment and Marks' area in a module.

A screenshot of My Marks within My Studies

2. Ratified Module Grades

These are available once the exam board has confirmed the grades for a module. These are available via the Studentview button in My Brighton

Accessing My Marks

Go to My Studies, and navigate to the specific module you wish to view marks and feedback for.

Go to the Assessment and Marks area, and scroll down to the section titled '3. My Marks and Feedback'. Click the title to view My Marks.

Screenshot of the my marks link, and the my marks screen



On the My Marks screen,. you'll see any available assessments, with a mark (if available). Please note, you may find it useful to click the 'All' tab to see all assessments, if you are unable to see a specific assessment.

To access feedback for an assessment, you follow a slightly different workflow depending on the submission tool used. See below for more specific guidance. If you experience any issues accessing your feedback having read the guidance below, check out our troubleshooting section at the bottom of this page.



Accessing and Viewing Turnitin feedback

Accessing Turnitin Feedback

1. Click on the name of the Turnitin assignment within My Marks.

2. A new screen will appear showing you a summary of your submission (including the upload/submission date). Click on your mark to open your Turnitin submission

3. A new window will open, with a copy of your Turnitin submission.

Below is some basic guidance on viewing your Turnitin feedback. You can find more detailed guidance on the Turnitin support site.

Viewing Turnitin Feedback

  • To view in text comments, scroll through your paper and click on any 'speech bubble' icons you see, to reveal comments left by a marker. Usually you will see that a comment is linked to a section of highlighted text. You'll also see the markers initials in each comment.

a screenshot of a comment left on a turnitin paper


  • To view General Feedback, click the speech bubble icon in the right hand menu. This opens a side panel. You will see any general feedback left by the marker(s). There may also be an option to play audio feedback, if this has been used.
  • You can also access any Rubric feedback (if used) by clicking the View Rubric button.

screenshot of overall feedback and rubric button in turnitin


  • To download a copy of your submission (with feedback included), click the Download button (small downward arrow) on the right side of your screen. Choose Current View.
  • A PDF file will be downloaded. Note that your general feedback, rubric feedback and mark can be find on the final few pages of the downloaded document.

screenshot of the download button in Turnitinscreenshot of the download options in Turnitin with current view highlighted

Accessing and Viewing My Studies assignment feedback

1. With My Studies assignments, you'll see quick link options  to view rubric and overall feedback to an assignment. Click the speech bubble within My Marks to view overall feedback, and click the View Rubric button to view rubric feedback.

sceenshot of my studies assignment in my marks, with feedback and rubric buttons highlighted

2. However to see all feedback (including annotations/comments on your submission), click on the name of the My Studies assignment within My Marks. Viewing My Studies assignment feedback is best done on a PC/Mac computer, rather than a small mobile device.

3. You will now see your submitted paper. To view a comment placed on your submission, click the speech bubble icon. You can use the scroll bar to scroll vertically and horizontally to see each page

4. You'll see your general feedback on the right side of the screen. This may include text feedback, as well as feedback files (click to download and view). You'll also see a small button that links to Rubric feedback

screenshot of my studies overall feedback with general feedback and rubric ighlighted

5. With My Studies assignments, students can download a copy of their submitted work with annotations saved on it. However the downloaded file does not include the mark, general feedback or any rubric feedback. To download submitted work with annotations, click the Download symbol from the toolbar above your submission.

a screenshot of the assignment toolbar with the download button highglithed


Top Tip for viewing My Studies feedback:

Depending on screen size, it can be tricky to see all your feedback with My Studies assignments. Note the toolbar above your submission - you can use the zoom and page view tools to help customise your view to best fit your screen.

screenshot of a student submssion, with page view and feedback panel buttons highlighted

If you are unable to see the feedback panel (where your general feedback and rubric feedback are located), try clicking the arrow on the far right of the screen - this hides and unhides the feedback panel.

Viewing Test feedback

1. To access feedback, click the name of the test in My Marks.

2. On the next screen, you'll see a brief summary of the test. Click the Calculated Mark to see more detail.

screenshot of test details screen

3. The level of feedback you see for a test is controlled by the test settings, so this will vary. As a minimum you'll see a summary box, highlighting the time you took to complete the test, and the mark. If you are permitted, you may see listed the questions, your answers, and your scores per question. You may also be permitted to see the correct answers for each question. 

note: It is possible that feedback is released at different times - for example, upon completion of a test you may only be able to see the questions and your submitted answers. At a later date, the module leader may share additional feedback. Check with your module leader about the level of feedback you are going to receive for your test.

screenshot of test submission screen

Viewing Manual Column feedback

Manual columns are often used to provide marks and/or feedback for assessments where there was no actual submission - for example a practical submission.


1. To view feedback for a manual column, simply click the speech bubble icon next to the mark in My Marks. A pop up box will appear containing any text feedback, as well as any links to feedback documents/files (click the links to download and view these).

screenshot of accessing feedback for manual column




Running into issues checking marks and feedback is common. If you are having issues, check some of the common faults here.

I can't see the assignment/test listed in My Marks?

  • Check you are looking in the correct module
  • Check you are looking at the correct assignment - often modules have multiple assignments, for different tasks and deadlines. Clicking the 'Submitted' tab in My Marks filters to just display the assignments you actually submitted to.
  • Try also clicking the 'All' tab at the top of My Marks - this will then show all assessments you are able to view.
  • Check with the module leader that the feedback is actually available - this is usually 20 working days after the submission date.
  • Still having issues? Contact the Service Desk


I can see the assignment/test in My Marks, but cannot click on the title to access the feedback? 

  • Usually the title is coloured blue when feedback is available. If you can see the assignment/test, but the title is grey in colour, the feedback is not available to you at this time. Contact the module leader to check when it will become available.


I can see the submitted paper, but I cannot see my feedback?


For Turnitin submissions:

  • If you are using a mobile device, try access your feedback on a PC/Mac computer. The larger screen will allow you to check you aren't missing anything.
  • Check you haven't turned off the feedback layer. When looking at your Turnitin submission, click the layers button (top right) and make sure all Grading layers are turned on (ticked)

screenshot of layers in Turnitin

  • Feedback is only available upon the feedback release date. If you try and access a Turnitin paper before this, you will not be able to click on the mark (as it hasn't been released yet). So you have likely just accessed a copy of what you submitted. Contact the module leader to check when feedback will become available.


For My Studies submissions

  • If you are using a mobile device, try access your feedback on a PC/Mac computer. The larger screen will allow you to check you aren't missing anything.


I'm getting a blank screen when checking my feedback

  • Try an alternative browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox etc) or try a different device.
  • Contact the Service Desk for support