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Information about how to submit your work

Important! Read before using this guidance


Image Description


Please note we are transitioning My Studies to a new interface called 'Ultra'. The instructions on this page are only relevant to the few courses that are still using the 'Original' interface for their modules.

Image Description

If your module looks as the first image above - these resources are correct for your course. Please continue to use the resources on this page



sxcreenshot of an ultra module

If your module looks like the second image above - Your course is using the new Ultra interface, and you need to use a different esubmission guide, available here

What is a Panopto Video Submission?

Panopto is the university’s video service. The built-in Panopto embedding tool allows you to submit a video or audio file to a submission point in My Studies.

When instructed to do so, you must use Panopto to upload video and audio due to file size. Uploading video or audio directly into a submission point without using Panopto can fail and may not play for your instructor.

Technical Checklist

Supported browsers: Firefox, Chrome and Edge. The recommended browser for My Studies is Firefox.

Supported file types for Panopto assignments: Video and audio files are submitted following the same process in My Studies. The instructions on this page apply to both types of media (video and audio), with specific guidance at the bottom of this page for uploading from mobile devices. For a full list of supported file types, please see the specific Panopto guidance on file types.

File size limit: There is no file size limit we are aware of for Panipto assignments, however we recommend you avoid uploading large files (more than 2Gb) as your browser is likely to timeout and prevent you from submitting.

How to submit

Your submission point often will be located in the Assessment and Marks area of a module, and will details the six steps required for a successful video submission. An example screenshot below shows these six steps:

Screenshot of a Panopto Video assignment submission point in My Studies

This page will cover the six steps in more detail to assist you with your submission

Step 1 : Record or Upload your video to Panopto

This step requires you to upload your finished video file to Panopto, or use Panopto to create a recording.

*If you have recorded your audio/video file on a mobile device, please see our specific guidance on mobile devices at the bottom of this page.

Panopto can be used to record a combination of your webcam, microphone and screen.

Firstly open your personal Panopto folder. You can do this by clicking the link within the instructions for assignment submission point.

screenshot of a video assignment submission point with the perosnal folder link highligfhted

This will open your Panopto personal folder. To upload a recording, click the Create button and select the Upload button (2). Alternatively, to create a  Panopto recording, you can choose 'Record a new session' (1), download the Panopto software and follow the instructions here.

screenshot showing  the creat option within  panopto and the recordd new sesion option highlioghted as well  as Upload media

Once you have selected Upload Video, you will see a screen requesting you upload a file.

screenshot of the add file screen

You can either drag and drop your video file into the ‘dotted line’ area of the window, or click on it, and it will let you navigate your computer in the normal fashion. Find the file on your computer and click Open.

A loading bar will appear, you must wait for the bar to reach 100% and the screen to change

Once you’ve added your video, it will take some time to process the file. The word 'processing' will be displayed.  Just wait. You can continue on without waiting for  this processing to finish, however you wont be able to check your video before submission.

Once it’s done, you can see the video is now ready to be submitted.

screenshot of a completed video

Continue to Step 2 below.

Step 2: Open the assignment in Blackboard

Once you have completed the upload to Panopto in Step 1, go back to My Studies and find the submission point.

Click the submission point link

You'll again see the six steps you are following. 

Step 3: In the text editor, click Add Content (+) and select Panopto Student Video Submission.

On the Assignment Submission screen, click Write Submission (1)

Then click the Add Content icon (+) (2)

*If you don’t see a Add Content button, you will need to expand your menu at this point. You should only have to do this once, and it will remember from now on. Click on the 3 dots on the right side to expand the menu.

a screenshot of the content editor with write subission and add content buttons high;ighted

Do not click on Panopto Video alone, this will result in a submission error!

screenshot of content menu with Panopto Student Submission highlighted

Step 4: Select the correct folder if needed

A window will open to show the videos in your personal folder. If your video is located in a different folder, select the correct folder from the drop-down at the top.

screenshot of panopto videos

Step 5: Select the video you wish to submit and click Insert.

You will be taken to your Panopto My Folder which has your video ready to be submitted. Tick the radio-button next to the video you wish to submit for assessment

screenshot of selecting a video

Once you’ve selected the video, you need to scroll down the page, as the submit button is ‘hidden’ down lower on the page.

screenshot showing the Submit Video button

Step 6: Your video will be added to the submission. Add any extra information and Submit.

Then you can see that your video has been attached to the Submission Point. If you’re certain that you have attached the correct video, and you are ready to submit your assessment. Click on Submit

screenshot of student submission

You will now see your successful submission, and a purple success bar will appear at the top of the page. If you are done, you can click Ok. And you are finished submitting!  Note you will recieve an email receipt with a unique confirmation number relating to your submission.

screenshot of confirmation page

If you have any questions about technical matters, do feel free to contact the University of Brighton’s Service Desk, at 01273 644444 or If you have course-related questions, contact the School Office.

Check your submission!

Once you have completed step 6 – you can check your submission was successful by:

  • Checking for your email receipt
  • AND go back to the submission point and click it. You can view your submission. You should see a link to your video which when you click it, should play correctly. If it doesn’t look right (e.g. the video link does not appear)– contact the service desk immediately

Screenshot of a successful submission with the video link highlighted

If you have any questions about technical matters, do feel free to contact the University of Brighton’s Service Desk, at 01273 644444 or If you have course-related questions, contact the School Office.

Specific guidance on uploading from Mobile Devices

Step 1 of the instructions above relates to uploading your media file to Panopto - if the file is on a mobile device (smartphone/tablet) the following guidance will be more relevant.

Option 1: Use Panopto app (only suitable for video files)

Option 2:  Share Audio/Video files to Onedrive

  • Download the Onedrive app from your app store
  • Sign in to the app with your university email and password
  • Share your audio/video file to your onedrive
  • Once complete, go to a PC/Laptop and complete Step 1 above. You can upload straight from your onedrive if you have this set up on the PC/laptop, or if not simply go to, sign in and download a copy of the video/audio file to the computer.
  • Then complete Steps 2-6 above.