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Onesearch: Search for books and journal articles

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Books & Ebooks

The easiest way to search for books held in the library is to use the library catalogue. You can search by author, title or keyword. You can also use the library catalogue to place reservations on books. The majority of books relating to politics can be found on the entrance-level floor (Level 1) of Aldrich Library

The library also has a number of politics ebooks which are available on and off campus. Most of these are included in the library catalogue and can also be found in OneSearch. For more information about finding and using ebooks please see our Help with using ebooks page.

Help with using ebooks


The referencing style used by University of Brighton is Harvard Cite them Right or APA 7th. Log into the Cite them Right resource below for guidance on referencing and bibliographies in both styles.

If you would like to use an online tool to help you build an online reference list we recommend using either EndNote or ZoteroBib software.

Politics Databases

Databases are specialist tools which you can use to find resources such as journal articles. The four listed below are the databases we recommend you start with, but the full list can also be accessed here.

For help with searching these resources, use the video and user guide links below. For more help with literature searching, please see the Search Skills page in this guide.

UK Parliamentary Papers (UKPP)

House of Commons sessional papers from 1715 to 2005 with supplementary material back to 1688.UK Parliamentary Papers user guide »


Access to the following Journal Archive and Thematic Collections: Arts and Sciences I, II, III, V, VII, XI and Ireland and access to the following Primary Source Collection: 19th Century British Pamphlets.How to search JSTOR »

Web of Science

Large multidisciplinary database with good social science coverage.How to search Web of Science (video) »

SAGE Journals Online

Access to subscribed journals published by Sage with good coverage of leading politics journals, including the British Journal of Politics and International Relations.

All politics databases Link opens in new window


The following databases might be helpful for finding primary sources.

Mass Observation Online

Access to one of the most important archives for the study of Social History in the modern era.Searching Guide

Archives of Sexuality and Gender - LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940 Parts 1 & 2

Contains over three million pages of fully searchable, rare and unique primary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. The archive illuminates the experiences of LGBTQ individuals and groups of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions, political orientations and geographical locations. There is also significant coverage of feminism and women’s rights campaigns.Tips for Searching

Special Collections and ArchivesLink opens in new window

Financial Data


Full financial information (current and historic) as well as key activities, stock data (listed companies only) and detailed global ownership information for registered companies in the UK and Ireland with either a turnover or shareholder funds in excess of £1.5m, or profits in excess of £150,000.

FT Markets Data

Financial markets data for United States, United Kingdom, Europe & Africa and Asia.

London Stock Exchange

Information on FTSE100, FTSE 250 and FTSE 350 exchanges, including current and historical company share data and links to annual reports.

Company Information guide Link opens in new window

Key Journals

The library has a number of journal titles which you can browse individually. We've highlighted some key titles from the collection, but there are many more. To search for a journal by title, please use the Online Journal Finder.

Political Studies

Access journal online
BJC cover

Political Studies Review

Access journal online

On demand freeview TV & radio

search over 2 million programmes from 75 channels

Box of Broadcasts

Watch and record freeview TV and radio. Create clips or make your own playlist using the huge archive of tv and radio shows dating back to the 1970s. BoB also includes a collection of curated playlists made by UK university lecturers on themes such as feminist film, philosophy, law, race and decolonisation.

Go to Box of Broadcasts (BoB)

Further Resources

The following websites are good sources of freely usable, good quality stock photos that you can use in your academic work.